Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Ok, I know it’s not the end of the week, but I wanted to share with everyone that I now have full water pressure. Apparently, there was a situation somewhere up line from my house. Up line from other teachers’ houses. The men working on the waterline couldn’t tell me why the water pressure in my house, in addition to others’ houses, was so low that I couldn’t get any water out of my shower head. “There’s no telling what could be causing that.” Well, they found out what was causing that today and solved the problem. I don’t want to bore you all the technical plumbing terminology, but it seems that they have a device called a valve. And by positioning the valve in a certain position (open), the flow of the water will be at its greatest force. They must have missed the “lefty loosey righty tighty” seminar. The good part is that all of this work is because the village is now getting sewer and water to all of the houses. No more honey buckets, so I guess I should not be so nitpicky.

I haven’t seen Stanley for the past two days. I don’t think Stanley is an early morning person. I have been leaving my house at 6:30, headed to school so I can have a shower before the workday. (See above) I have not seen anyone around here at that time. It is still dark, mainly because we are on the western edge of the Alaskan time zone.

I did have two little first graders come over last evening, asking if they could visit. I’m not sure what we would have talked about. They were climbing all over my front porch, conversing with me from my window. I told them I wasn’t entertaining visitors and they needed to climb off my railing and be on their way. One told me “No, you stinky”, the other began to bite a three-inch nail sticking out of my porch door jam. Biting is not accurate, since she was missing her two front teeth. When I asked her why she was chewing on that nail, she responded by biting the nail again. I pulled the little girl off the nail (not a phrase I ever anticipated writing) and sent them on their way. I’m not sure where their way was, but they weren’t going to get hurt on my porch.

Now that my house has water pressure, I will be able to shower here in the morning. Since I don’t have to leave so early, maybe Stanley will be up for a walk in the morning. I just hope I don’t have to pull him off a nail sticking out of my house. And no, I don’t have a hammer. Quit judging.

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